Sunday, October 25, 2009
Salisbury, NC
Here are some more pics of the town of Salisbury, near Lexington, NC and the lake we stayed on. It's a pretty nice town, Salisbury, that is. This is their "famous" wall mural and I couldn't resist this shot. Too much time on my hands and not a lot of imagination!! Lots of historythere. Kind of like a big Amelia Island maybe? Anyway, another spot to mark off in our book "1000 Places To See Before You Die". I think it's in there. But the lake and the birds were nice and I got some new flower pics as well. We are beginning to plan our 2010 trip; up thru the Natchez Trace, Graceland, Hot Springs, AR and then slowly go up the Mississippi River. We'll be in Jax until April and are enjoying time with friends and family.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
It's All About The BBQ!
Our 1st place was Cooks BBQ not too far from the camp ground. The place is a place where locals eat and it literally located in the very back of a residential sub-division. Weird. They did have brisket ( which is called sliced beef in this part of the country) so we shared a combo platter of BBQ delights which included ribs, pulled pork, brisket, hush puppies and a pitcher of iced tea. We couldn't eat it all, so we took it home and made two more meals out of it the next day. I liked the food and it was cheap!
The second place was Lexington BBQ, which I saw on TV. It was so hard to find ( not on our GPS) that we had a heated discussion on the way... but we finally found it. It sucked. Not worth the trip. Just plain pulled pork.
Lexington style BBQ is dryer than the BBQ's of the south west and the primary meat is pork. As a matter of fact, Lexington BBQ serves ONLY pulled pork. No brisket, no ribs, no nothin! Didn't like it much. I can season and cook a Boston Butt in my crock pot in the RV that comes out with more flavor than Lexington BBQ.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Back In Tennessee!!!!!
Thanks for reading and welcome Heidi!!! It's so good to see you again....................
Fun On Amelia Island, FL
Click to see pics of Amelia Island
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Florida in the Summer...
Kathy's Mom is doing just fine, so that crisis is over. I took my RV to Rivers RV in Jacksonville to get my body work done, so that's done too. Scratches and dents are all gone :)
I think that we've had maybe 5-7 days with no rain since July around here. The weather is really starting to get on my nerves and I'm looking forward to fall and winter when the temps drop below 95 degrees. Whew.
We are having fun visiting old friends though! Since we'll be here in Jax until sometime in April, we have lot's of time to catch up. Cheers!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Back in Jacksonville...
Thanks to ALL our friends and family for their concern about Pat! she's doing well and is under Kathy her sister's care for the next couple of months.
Did I mention that it's HOT in FL this time of year?? We forgot!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Thanks Everyone!
Steve and I would like to thank everyone of you who called, emailed, etc. to check on her. We have some great friends and family.
We made it to Wyoming today and should be home in about 4 or 5 days, and I think my mom will be in the hospital for a few more days.
My sister and niece Kellie are awesome!! Thanks you are the best.
Heading to Florida
We are going to take care of mom, and then regroup later on.
Take care all,
Kathy & Steve
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Illegal Gas Pumping...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Northern CA...
After the 30th of June, we'll be out of CA and into Oregon! So far, the drive hasn't been too bad along Hwy-101 in the RV, but there are places where the speed limit is 30mph because of the 7% decline or 30mph because that's as fast as my RV can make it some of these steep
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
San Francisco & Bay Area
We drove downtown SF on Saturday and ran into an Italian festival and THAT was filled with 1000's of people and NO place to park. Talk about traffic! Wow. We ( well - I did) wanted to eat in China Town, but driving a car in SF is for crazy people only, so we headed towards Lombard St. and drove down the crookedest street in the world.

Standing in line to take a trolley car - 1 hour.
We took a LOT of pictures, so if you want to see them, click here to view them on line!
Kathy says: So, we spent a week in San Francisco; no surprise to anyone since that's all I talked about on the blog for, well, forever. I wish I could say it was as a great trip, and that everything I imagined it would be. But it wasn't. Nothing was what I remembered it to be like. Also, I have never ever seen so many tourons (tourist + moron = touron) in my life. We made the tactical mistake of getting off the streetcar in the heart of the
touon center at Fisherman's Wharf. I was hoping to see some of the sea lions that used to cover the piers, but all we saw were endless swarms of people, everywhere. We did a couple of tourist things, like Lombard street, which took us almost an hour to get down the one way crookedest
street in the world. We did see some great sights and towns north of the City, in Marin
County. Lots of small, quaint little places. Places where an old tiny cottage would run about $600,000! Lots of places with $14.00 burgers and $2.00 (each) oysters. I told Steve when we get home I will NEVER EVER complain about the prices in restaurants!
On our last trip into San Francisco, we attempted to go see some sights in Golden Gate Park. This was on a Wednesday, so we thought we'd be able to avoid the crowds. Not so. Couldn't find a place to park anywhere near anything in the park we wanted to see. So, we took off for the
beach, and the famous Cliff House. Got some great pics there and then we decided to pack it in and head back up north.
Just goes to show, you just really can't go back again. It had been 27 years since I'd been there. I guess I thought things wouldn't change. I never thought of SF as dirty, but it was. By compare, NYC is SO SO much cleaner, believe it or not. Anyway, my two cents worth. We drove off and I pretty much knew that I will probably not visit SF again. Well, never say never, but that's how I felt that week.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Monterey Bay, Cannery Row, 17 Mile Drive
so today we are going to get some baked garlic and deep fried artichoke. I'll be sleeping in the living room tonight ya' betcha!!!
Everything was just so beautiful along Pacific Coast Highway; oh, yeah, until we started climbing, climbing, and more climbing along a road with NO guardrails. I could only peek up occasionally to look at the view. Even Steve was a bit nervous. We were in the car with Elvis, not stupid enough (almost, but not quite stupid enough) to even think about taking the RV on the road. Anyway, didn't get a lot of pics as I was cowering in the back seat and Elvis doesn't have opposable thumbs, so all we got was this "borrowed picture" of Bixby Bridge. I went over it twice and didn't like it coming or going!

Yeah, tomorrow we are off to San Francisco for a full week.......................will send around new pics then.
Someday, I hope to be on flat, level, beach and streets. Someplace, like say, oh, Jacksonville, FL? I hear there aren't many mountains there. I'm almost, not quite, but almost DONE with mountains!!!!!
Enjoy the pics, thanks for staying in touch. If you want to view them large screen, I guess you would know to click on the picture. This is for my sister, who I am trying to get to learn to use this new machine, called the PC.
Miss you all,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Morro Bay & Hearst Castle, CA
Went to Hearst Castle yesterday. All I can say is "WOW"!! It's just simply incredible. So was the bus ride going up there! You know me and heights. Anyhow, here are two slide shows if you want to see the area. The weather is perfect; seems we finally found what we have been searching for. Will be here for a few more days then head up to the Monterey/Carmel area and Big Sur. Looking forward to that......................then off to San Francisco for a week so I can show Steve all the places I lived there back from 1973 to 1981.
Hope everyone is well and we miss you guys........ see you in late fall!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Pacific Ocean...
I did make a serious driving error on my way here from Indio yesterday: I followed my GPS directions and drove Hwy 74 from Lake Elsinore to the coast. Huge mistake. Narrow road, nice twisties with no guard rails. had to peel my hands off the steering wheel when I finally got over the dam# mountain! Here's a view from a turnout: Whew. Here's another picture: Here's a great picture of what we drove over: ( scroll down to the middle picture!)
This is the first state park we've stayed in because it's so hard to find a state park that can hold a 40' RV , have 50 amps AND water and sewer. This place has it all. It even had a pull-through for us! It's very nice.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Surviving Our First Year On The Road
In looking back on our travels we both now know that we definitely are NOT desert people! We have spent 4 months in the south west part of the country and between the weather ( it's going to be 104°F here in Indio, CA today and that's HOT!), sand burrs in the feet and the dust, we prefer to be in a more woody or tropical type of climate. But that's just us, even though we have seen some great places along the way.
What We've Learned:
- This lifestyle is more work than one might think. You're constantly cleaning, walking, going up & down steps, crawling into the basement area to get stuff, driving, etc. I'm glad we did this now instead of waiting until I was 65 or so. I really respect RV'ers who are in their 70's or older and are still going strong! We figure out we spend more time going up and down the steps when we grill out and are worn out by dinnertime!
- You and your traveling companion better be best friends. There's not much privacy living in 500 Square Feet.... or less. That's all I'm going to say about this subject!
- This is not for everybody. When we tell people that we "live in a RV" they all ( well, mostly all) say that this would be something that they'd like to do too. I mean, come on - when I saw a big RV going down the highway, I thought to myself, "Boy, I wish I could do THAT!" But to be honest - it's glorified camping. Most of the time our parking spot is just a rock filled (gravel) area and we have to put out the "outdoor carpet" so we don't drag dirt/sand into the RV. You have to "set up" and "tear down" every time you move. Going to the local grocery store can be a 20 mile drive. If you're used to big houses with big bathrooms, you'd better be ready for a change!
- There's are TENS of 1000's of people who do this. I was surprised of the number of people who live in 5th wheels or a motor home while working. The biggest number whould have to be construction workers who travel from place to place building roads, erecting bridges, wind turbines, etc.
Everyone is friendly. Oh sure, you might occasionally meet someone a little grouchy ( who doesn't get grouchy once in awhile?), but I have yet to meet someone I didn't like while staying in a campground. There's a comardery that's shared among us and we all watch out for each other. Heck, I could live next door to someone in a house for year and never talk to them. Living like this, we're all friends! - We needed a budget. Oh sure, there are lot's of people out there who have million dollar plus RV's, but not us. When we started, the cost of fuel ( $5.00 a gallon for diesel) and the cost of camp sites ( average of around $30-$35 a night I would guess) caught us by surprise. We quickly learned to slow down our traveling and stay longer at RV parks (a week at a time) because the rates are cheaper by the week compared to the daily rate. Kathy has turned into a "coupon queen." She LOVES to go to different web sites, download coupons for groceries and restaurants so we can save some money. I LOVE that!
- There's SO much to see and do in this country. There's a seemingly endless number of places to go and things to do in this country. There's something for everyone no matter what you like to do!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Since we were done gambling, which didn't take long, there wasn't a whole lot more to do here. Our new park is very nice and we staked out a great spot right across from the pool and hot tub. No one but us uses the hot tub, and we've been taking our Pina Coladas over there in the evening. Lots of palm trees and nice tropical weather, that with just enough rum, you can sort of close your eyes and think you are in the tropics! Almost, not quite. Anyway, it's also a good way for me to help heal my back as I was playing Yoga the other night and hurt it pretty badly.
So, we've been taking it pretty easy and decided on a road trip to Death Valley, 50 miles yonder' up the road. I really didn't want to ride because I was in pain, but I am so glad I went. I hope you take a look at the slide show. We got some great pics; it's just hard to describe. We went from our RV Park, at Pahrump, NV, about 2500 feet above sea level to Furnace Creek at the bottom of Death Valley at MINUS 230 FEET SEA LEVEL!!!!! Also, the temperature went from a "cool" 84° in Pahrump to 105° at Furnace Creek. We only walked around a bit; there is one beautiful hotel there, the Furnace Creek Inn, and campground/hotel/RV Park a but further. It had little tourist shops and a couple of restaurants there. Tourist buses in and out. So, there is another place on our list to be crossed glad I didn't miss it. Hope you like the pictures.
Oh, sidebar................Parhump, NV is the ONLY place (that we know of) in the United States where prostitution is legal!!! Really; they have "cat" houses here. We saw a sign for a "Brothel Museum" and we thought, what the heck; then Steve researched it on the Internet and it's NOT a museum.........................!!!!!! So, we WON'T have any pictures for that.
We are off Tuesday for 18 days in Palm Desert, Desert Hot Springs and Palm Springs, CA. Probably won't do a lot there but work on my tan and use the hot springs for my back. If you don't hear from us, don't worry, we'll be in the springs having a cold one for you!!!!
Kathy and Steve
Friday, April 17, 2009
Las Vegas and Pahrump,NV
We found a park in Pahrum called Terribles in Pahrump and it had great reviews so we made a reservation and got in yesterday. OMG! What a beautiful place in the middle of no where! For the 1st time since Jan. 2009 we have GRASS... and TREES! SWEET! There's a HUGE lake we can walk around, it's just so relaxing!
We're going to hang out here for a week, and then we have to move to another park down the road because this place is full, and we didn't make reservations in time. The bad part is we have a space for one day, then have to move to another space for a day, then have to move AGAIN where we'll be able to stay for 5 days. Sigh. Oh well, at least I'll be able to break out the grill on day three!
We leave this park and move to another down the road for another week. The weather is beautiful so this aint bad!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Laughlin, NV
Wow! What a great little town.... we had reservations in Bullhead City, AZ, as it had an RV Park in our "club system", which means certain places we stay for $10.00 per night. So, we needed to chill for a week, and off we went!
We were 1/2 mile off the Colorado River and right across the bridge to Laughlin, NV. My uncle and aunt used to go there lots. I'd never been and Steve and I didn't even know it was nearby. But, it was, and we did little (really, very little gambling) and took advantage of the buffets, which were good, but not like Vegas!
We took Elvis on a day trip south to Lake Havasu, where the London Bridge is, and it was beautiful. The water is just turquoise blue, and it's so tropical...............too bad the water temp is only in the 60's!
Other than that, we took a river boat trip and then just hung out. We were in the very back of the RV park; it was like a private neighbors, little noise. We could see the casino lights at night from the "veranda" during happy hour.
Now, we are in an RV Park believe it or not, in the middle of Vegas. Just staying 2 days to see Fremont St., the Venetian, Bellagio and a day trip to Hoover Dam. The bummer is that the high temps are in the low 60's and there is lots of wind! Gusts up to 40 mph YUCK! Oh well, we couldn't go right by Vegas and not stop. I haven't been here on over 30 years so it's changed just a bit.
Off to a place called "Pahrump" NV and a resort that's like a little oasis in the desert. It's got it's own beach, and spa. Will send pics later.
I hope you take the time to look at the slideshow below. We take tons of pics, but we do try and keep them to a minimum on the blog.
So, off to California soon, to see Steve's family. We are meeting his sister and brother in law in Palm Springs in 2 weeks so that should be fun, even though it's just for a short weekend.
Enough for now gotta walk the dog!
Take care,
Kathy, Steve and Elvis
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Grand Canyon Video???
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Grand Canyon
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Visiting The Warings ( Sister and Mother) in Phoenix,AZ
There are a bunch of pictures below. Just click on the pic to see bigger!
Jasmine, this picture is for you! Nice shoes huh? They held weddings at the Mystery Castle and brides would leave at least one shoe behind at the chapel because it was rumored that the "groom would be true forever..." if they did. Needless to say - there are lot's of shoes there! This was one of them. Here are some more >>
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Ahhhh, here we are in Las Cruces, NM in one of the best "camping" spots we've seen. There's a little hedge next to us and it's like having our own private patio! Sweet! Of course this was taken before I set out the table and lounge chairs AND my grill! After sitting in dusty and windy Texas for almost two months trying to sell advertising spots on RV Site maps to businesses that can't pay the electric bill, it's nice to sit here and just do - NOTHING.
See ya in a couple of weeks after we have some pictures of the Grand Canyon which is our next stop after visiting some family in Phoenix, AZ
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Carlsbad Caverns & New Mexico
So, we finally left Texas heading west. This trip had been on our agenda since we first started thinking about doing this, so I am glad it's one of the goals we met. I say that because, I know there are lots of folks who love the desert, but we are finding out that we are really "Florida folks". I miss the green, humid August days (NOT!!). We're just not used to such flat land. Plus, the winds have been relentless. Anyway, we are happy that we got to visit the Caverns; they are really awesome.
We are going to Roswell, NM tomorrow to visit some aliens, then off to a really nice place in Las Cruses for a week.
We tried our best to get good pics in the cave; it's pretty dark but it's really an amazing sight to see. Click here to see our pics.
Take care everyone; it's really good when I hear back from you guys after reading the blog.
Kathy, Steve and of course, Elvis.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A Little Fun With Texas...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
San Antonio and DDD....
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Monday, February 9, 2009
Mexico and The RGV
- It's so windy I can't grill because the wind blows the flame out.
- It's so windy that I had to pull in one of my slides last night because I thought the plastic rain cover over the slide was going to tear due to all the flopping around.
- It's so windy that everyone around here has their clothes line ( I know - some people actually still dry their clothes outside...) tied down!
- It's so windy that I have to SIT in my patio chair to keep it from blowing away.
- It's so windy I can't even smell my own farts.
I don't care what people say, that right thar was FUNNY!
We are staying at Tropic Winds RV Resort in Harlingen, TX which is about 15 miles from the border town of Progreso Mexico. We went there today to buy prescription drugs! And liquor! Wasn't worth the trip after we had to pay all the taxes to get back into the U.S.
Reminded me of my old Navy days and trips to Tijuana. Same stuff was there I think. Mexico is a little different today though. I could tell because there was about 10 guys from the Mexican army sitting around the border crossing with machine guns. Apparently there's a small drug problem in Mexico now days. HA!
As you can see, it's a lot of fun in Mexico now! Not.
We did get a good buy on 2 bottles of Crown Royal though. That's our favorite refreshment you know.
Anyway, here's some more pics...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Winter Texans We Are :)
It's just sad. I hate to see this everywhere we go. I really feel bad for business owners now. They are scrambling to try and just get the bills paid. Ameriplan
Port Aransas is a little beach town on an island just north of Corpus Christi. There are about 40 restaurants, dozens of small hotels and about 5 large RV parks. That means there are 1000's of RV's here and they are referred to as "Winter Texans." It seems that half of them are from Canada too! They come down here for 6 months and then head back home in the spring. Gotta keep that health insurance active eh?
Kathy & I are scrambling to find businesses willing to pop a couple of hundred bucks to advertise in the RV map we're working on. It's tough. In 2 days we have done 39 presentations or "drop-offs" to 39 different businesses in the area and only made one sale. We need about 15 more in the next few days or we're not going to be able to get the map done for this RV park either.
We've heard everything:
- I don't advertise - get OUT!
- I'd like to, but I don't have the money
- The business owner is out of town for 2 weeks
- This is a franchise business ( like Subways and even the local liquor store!) so you'll have to call the corporate office. "OK, do have a number?" NO! Go away!
- I MAY be interested, come back in 3 days. You go back in 3 days and the decision maker is no where to be found. So much for appointments!
My thoughts (Kathy here) I fully agree with everything Steve said. I think I was really made to be retired. In fact, I'm sure of it. I'm also looking into doing some writing for a website. You write articles and get paid when they put them online. It would be something to do and I could get to tell people everything I know! Which is everything.........I KNOW IT ALL, just ask my husband!!!!
In any case, we are going to finish our commitments and then head to New Mexico, then Arizona and California. It should be an interesting year.
Lastly, HOW ABOUT THOSE STEELERS, huh???????
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I Love My Job, I Love My Job, I Love My Job.......
Wow, am I glad it's Sunday already! We worked 2 entire a row!! I just forgot how really really fun sales is. NOT!!!!
It's really not that bad. Steve and I have hit almost 40 vendors, and have about 8 be backs for Monday and Tuesday. We have to figure out the system. Friday and Saturday are not good days to catch up with owners or managers. But, we think this will work.
We walked and walked, which was good. We'll park at one end of a shopping center and walk all the way around, hitting up everyone who is a potential advertiser. Lot of businesses are in a hurt. But, we think we can make this work. Steve wants me to "dig back into my mind" to remember all my Beazer Sales Training. My answer is, dig into what brain?
Other than all that, we are happy to be back on the road. We are especially looking forward to the Gulf Coast in southern Texas. We have 2 jobs on the way there, and then we are going to look for a nice place to stay and take a week off to explore that area. It seems like a great place to winter and the rates are about half of what they are in Florida. Gotta have an exit clause in case this job doesn't work out. Now that Steve knows I CAN work, no telling what he'll come up with next.
All for now. I hope everyone is out of the cold by now. It's been in the 30°'s at night even here in Tampa!
Everyone take care, God Bless, and most importantly of all: