Staying for a few day

s at
Klamath River RV Park located in northern CA just a few miles from the coast line. Now I can see why the people in northern CA want to secede from southern CA! It's a totally different world. It's beautiful. The forest here is thick and green and there are more trees than people too! We LIKE that part. HA.
Finally found that stupid drive through tree!
After the 30th of June, we'll be out of CA and into Oregon! So far, the drive hasn't been too bad along Hwy-101 in the RV, but there are places where the speed limit is 30mph because of the 7% decline or 30mph because that's as fast as my RV can make it some of these steep

mountains! Unlike FL, where you can drive 70mph everywhere, a 150 drive here could take us 5 hours or more. Kathy, as she's sitting in the passenger seat says, "Ohhhh... look at THAT! It's sooooo pretty!" Of course MY eyes are on the freakin road, so I miss a lot of, uh, vistas :)