Saturday, March 7, 2009

Carlsbad Caverns & New Mexico

So, we finally left Texas heading west. This trip had been on our agenda since we first started thinking about doing this, so I am glad it's one of the goals we met. I say that because, I know there are lots of folks who love the desert, but we are finding out that we are really "Florida folks". I miss the green, humid August days (NOT!!). We're just not used to such flat land. Plus, the winds have been relentless. Anyway, we are happy that we got to visit the Caverns; they are really awesome.

We are going to Roswell, NM tomorrow to visit some aliens, then off to a really nice place in Las Cruses for a week.

We tried our best to get good pics in the cave; it's pretty dark but it's really an amazing sight to see. Click here to see our pics.

Take care everyone; it's really good when I hear back from you guys after reading the blog.

Kathy, Steve and of course, Elvis.