Kathy here: just to clarify, we haven't sat around for a year doing NOTHING! (see Steve's comments below). We have been volunteering at our Humane Society, and our "at home part-time" business has become almost full time. At least we're able to work from home or the motorhome... all we need is a phone and computer :)
After selling our Phaeton last year Kathy and I have discussed many a night how much we missed "being on the road." Our cocktail hour on the back yard patio ( we call it our "round table sessions") revolved around the question, "What can we do now?"

I've been following George's blog for 3 years and I know how well he took care of Moose, so I emailed him and we started talking about buying something we could "part time" in. Since they were currently in Maine and we were in Jacksonville, I had no idea if the floor plan would accommodate us because our Tiffin had 4 slides and the Foretravel had one - in the living room and no slides in the bedroom.
We got word that there was a RV exactly like Moose for sale in Tampa, so we took a little road trip to Tampa to look at it. We absolutely LOVED it!
We intend to enjoy Moose on a part time basis (we already full timed it for 2 years and want to keep a place to come home to) and will be chasing that 70F weather whenever we can.
Our current plans are:
- Head up to New England or the Great Lakes area in July - August 2012 to escape the FL summer heat which we just can't tolerate anymore.
- Head down to the FL keys maybe in Jan/Feb if it gets too cold in Jacksonville!
- Take trips to TN & SC in the fall and spring to visit our kids.
- Take trips to Meridian, MS where Kathy AND STEVE! will volunteer to help a wonderful person take care of dogs that need help.
- And pretty much just take off and do whatever we want when we want!