Wow! I love NH so far, but being this far north means the suns rises and sets at times that I'm not used to!
Sunrise is 5:05 am - which means that I'm up at 5:15am because I just get up when the sun is streaming through big windows.
Sunrise is 5:05 am - which means that I'm up at 5:15am because I just get up when the sun is streaming through big windows.
Sunset is 10:30PM - which means that because I got UP at freakin 5:15 in the morning I never get to see the sun set because my tired butt in asleep in bed by 10:30pm! HA! My Dad was right... it DOES suck getting old. I can remember not too long ago, my friend and I were just getting ready to hit the bars at 10pm at night! Now, I'm in bed at 10pm. Sigh.
We are in Exeter, NH where we shall remain until fall ( sometime in Oct.) and then we'll head back to Jacksonville, FL for a few months. We're renting a sweet loft style apartment from a friend.
I saw the sign for the local golf course & driving range down the street from where we are, so I get to dust the dust off my golf clubs that are stowed in the RV and maybe do a little golfing!
We also had our 1st "at home" lobster dinner last night and THAT was fun! Kathy went to a local store and picked out a couple of live lobsters, had the store steam them for us and brought them home where we commenced to tear them UP! Only $8.99LB for lobsters, and I predict that we'll be eating them a LOT while we're here :)) We do have a "lobster pot" here in the loft, but we haven't gotten to the point where we can cook our own live lobsters... yet
So - we will be just hanging out for awhile and probably won't have a lot to post. If we find something neat, we'll let ya know though OK?