Eventually, she woke up and we stayed at a cute little hotel in Belfast, ME that had single room cottages over looking a bay. Very relaxing to sit on the porch watching the sun set.
While we LOVE the New England area for it's beauty, we're looking forwrd to our trip across the states via I-10 this winter. Getting kind of tired of driving in the mountains!
Now PLEASE don't take this the wrong way, but I've noticed a few things about taking a vacation around here:
- It's not cheap! It's obvious that businesses make 95% of their money in June, July and August from people like us - tourists. The prices that businesses charge reflect that too! A small soft serve ice cream in Bar Harbor costs $3.75, a little hotel room ( NOT a fancy place!) starts around $125 a night, and food is a little jacked up on the prices as well. We wanted to get a hotel in Bar Harbor, but didn't want to pay the $250 a night that most of the hotels seemed to want!
- Toll roads. There are toll roads everywhere and they nickel & dime you to death... uh, I mean they DOLLAR you to death. We finally bought an EZPASS for the RV and the car so we didn't have to dig around for $1.25 here and $14.75 there. Even I-95 is a toll road up here.
OK, I'm done! We still love the area and we're back in Exeter, NH now. We will be leaving for two weeks to stay in Salisbury, MA on July 31st, and then back to Exeter until Oct. or whenever the leaves start to change :)
My Ameriplan business is humming right along now too. I sure am glad I started this thing 5 years ago:)