Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lake Michigan and South Haven MI

This is our first post from our two week stay near Lake Michigan. We are 5 miles from the lake, which is beautiful. Great RV park; it's brand new and not crowded at all. That will change this coming week, with Labor Day weekend coming up. Steve had spent hours finding us a place for Labor Day (note to selves for next year, make holiday reservations early!!!). Anyway, he did a great job cause this place is very nice. We have the largest site, right across from a huge meadow. Elvis has his own backyard again!! Well, temporarily anyway.

We are going to explore part of the lake this week, so we'll do lake pics all at the end of the trip. We are going to "Taste of Sagatauk today; it's about 15 miles up the lake. If you did the entire trip around the lake, it's 1100 miles!!! We aren't going that far, obviously.

The slideshow above is from the past week. We stayed in Monroe, MI, where Custer was born. It was a pretty cool little town. Steve found a route called Old Chicago Road, leading from Detroit to Gary, IN. The really cool part about it is that it was a trail that had been traveled over 10,000 years ago (really!) by great mastodons and the indigenous people who hunted them. I don't think it was paved back then.................

We picked it up at Monroe and took it about half way. The best part was that park with all the cement bridges. NO ONE was there, so we had the run of the park (for Elvis again) and we tried to get pics of all 17 bridges. Not sure I found them all. Anyway, pretty interesting stuff you can find on the road; we get ideas from the Motor home magazines. We don't really do lots of research. Too much like a job.

Yesterday on the way home I spotted the small herd of buffalo in a farmer's field. Steve wants to cook some bison burgers, so I may buy some bison meat and try one. Yuck!

OK, I gotta run. Steve is such a task master!!! So, we are going to enjoy Lake Michigan, then head down to Indiana to get something fixed on the RV, then down to Graceland (Yeah!!!!) and hopefully over to Hot Springs, Arkansas for some hot springs therapy, then head home. See you in October!!!!