Ok, so this is my very first blog; not too sure of what I am doing, so I will wing it. Not that I've ever NOT had anything to say, just don't always put it in print! 
Steve is worn down to the bone. He is peacefully "napping" on the couch, and it's well deserved. We left Charleston, SC, at 7:30 am, and he drove RIGHT the hell over those mountains, in the rain, towing a car.................350 miles!!! I sort of just tried to hide behind a quite large Atlas map, so I didn't have to see exactly how high we were (altitude high, that is).
He is a wonderful driver. That's just too bad, cause you know I was going to do LOTS and LOTS of driving on this adventure. Sure, y'all know I hated to drive to Publix, but that's another story altogether. Anyway, I am so very thankful for his expertise (being an engineer means they are experts at everything) and I put my and Elvis' lives in his very capable hands.
So, arrived in Bluff City, TN at 3 pm. Just 10 miles from Justin's house, gee isn't that convenient? Convenient for Justin that is. We are at a fabulous RV park on the Boone Lake/River. They gave us a spot near other campers and RV; but it looked a bit small for us. We've already downsized from 2367 sq. ft. to about 400, so we really wanted the "bigger waterfront lot". And we got it! We are here for a week; our spot is at the mouth of the river/lake with incredible views of the water. Steve will post pics when he surfaces from his nap (could take a couple of days).
I honest to God truthfully told the camp manager that since we are so new at this, we are trying to train Elvis to get used to this, so we need a really private spot. This part is true; he barks whenever we leave him. Elvis, not Steve. All of our ex-neighbors can attest to that! However, I've decided that I will use this ruse over and over even if, and when, Elvis is not with us. I will substitute him for a remote controlled Teddy Ruxpin Bear. Or a Chatty Cathy doll. Whatever it takes.
Steve is worn down to the bone. He is peacefully "napping" on the couch, and it's well deserved. We left Charleston, SC, at 7:30 am, and he drove RIGHT the hell over those mountains, in the rain, towing a car.................350 miles!!! I sort of just tried to hide behind a quite large Atlas map, so I didn't have to see exactly how high we were (altitude high, that is).
He is a wonderful driver. That's just too bad, cause you know I was going to do LOTS and LOTS of driving on this adventure. Sure, y'all know I hated to drive to Publix, but that's another story altogether. Anyway, I am so very thankful for his expertise (being an engineer means they are experts at everything) and I put my and Elvis' lives in his very capable hands.
So, arrived in Bluff City, TN at 3 pm. Just 10 miles from Justin's house, gee isn't that convenient? Convenient for Justin that is. We are at a fabulous RV park on the Boone Lake/River. They gave us a spot near other campers and RV; but it looked a bit small for us. We've already downsized from 2367 sq. ft. to about 400, so we really wanted the "bigger waterfront lot". And we got it! We are here for a week; our spot is at the mouth of the river/lake with incredible views of the water. Steve will post pics when he surfaces from his nap (could take a couple of days).
I honest to God truthfully told the camp manager that since we are so new at this, we are trying to train Elvis to get used to this, so we need a really private spot. This part is true; he barks whenever we leave him. Elvis, not Steve. All of our ex-neighbors can attest to that! However, I've decided that I will use this ruse over and over even if, and when, Elvis is not with us. I will substitute him for a remote controlled Teddy Ruxpin Bear. Or a Chatty Cathy doll. Whatever it takes.
So much work, setting up camp, getting the grill ready, hooking up the potty drain, the cable tv, and then, it's time to set up the bar!!! We are getting down to a science. You just have to be careful and wear latex gloves for the set up and drain (of the potty, not the bar).
I told Steve today that this was so much more work than when I really did work, at least I could watch movies in the model homes that had a DVD player. Tom, if you are reading this, please ignore, I never really did make it all the way through an entire movie, and Beazer never did install DVD players in all the models. What the hell was up with that? Could be one reason I am retired???? Kidding Tom!!!
Steve bought us walkie-talkies, so when he has to back into a spot, I can guide him without having to shout into his camera/microphone. Haven't hit a tree yet.................oh crap, I hope I didn't just jinx us.
eally, really loving it. I've got a cabinet full of paperbacks, a comfy recliner and a great man to share it all with. We have our windows open, overlooking a beautiful view and there is only one other RV'er on our little gravel road. They are packing up to leave tomorrow. Too bad, so sad. We hope no one else wants to park up this road. I can handle that, I guess. I'll just act like the village idiot...oh wait, that's normal here in Tennessee. (see disclaimer below if you are from Tennessee).
I miss my mom, sister and niece a lot. I love you Mom!! But I'll be back. Already checked out Amtrak rates from up North to Jax. Half the price of an airline ticket, and I could do a stop in NYC at Grand Terminal Station and eat my way thru there.........what a wonderful place to spend a day. Maybe work in a broadway show?
We will probably be here for a week; then mosey on up North. Gonna' brush up on my English............eliminate the aint's and y'alls and other un-postable verbage. We want to go to Gettysburg, PA. Would love to say that we really want to see the place, which we do, but there is an "RV Time Share" rip off company that will put you up for 2 nights/3 days hoping to sell you a campsite. So, going for the history and the freebies. I always was a bargain shopper. From there looking for a place that's cool, and cheap. We want to be in Maine, Vermont, NH, or one of those small little states no one really really knows much about for a couple of months.
To all my dear Yankee friends, you know I am just kidding. I love y'alls way up North; love your lobsters and blue crabs. And your clams. My mouth is watering...............
I guess I gotta run. Need to drag Elvis out for a walk. By the end of the day, he is just plum tuckered out. Guess I gotta lose that saying too? He is a real sport, but as long as he keeps us in sight he's just ok. His vet gave him some happy pills, but we haven't tried him on those yet. Soon, my little friend, soon.
Please, please post comments on this blog. Toni, if they are smart ass, Steve will edit and you will be severly disiplined (sp?) when we come back. But you will like it.
Kellie, please, please teach yo' mama to email me. She's a smart woman; she can do it! And please open these for Grandma and read them to her. It may be worth it to you someday...............don't hold your breath. Fingers crossed for your promotion!
Robin, please send more EA, even the old ones. Ok? Love them a lot.
Carolyn, call me or email me when you are going to Ware?
Catherine, let us know where you are, ok?
Everyone else, we love and miss you all. Take care and God Bless.
p.s. I hope this sends out well. It's my first one. Fingers crossed.
I told Steve today that this was so much more work than when I really did work, at least I could watch movies in the model homes that had a DVD player. Tom, if you are reading this, please ignore, I never really did make it all the way through an entire movie, and Beazer never did install DVD players in all the models. What the hell was up with that? Could be one reason I am retired???? Kidding Tom!!!
Steve bought us walkie-talkies, so when he has to back into a spot, I can guide him without having to shout into his camera/microphone. Haven't hit a tree yet.................oh crap, I hope I didn't just jinx us.
I miss my mom, sister and niece a lot. I love you Mom!! But I'll be back. Already checked out Amtrak rates from up North to Jax. Half the price of an airline ticket, and I could do a stop in NYC at Grand Terminal Station and eat my way thru there.........what a wonderful place to spend a day. Maybe work in a broadway show?
We will probably be here for a week; then mosey on up North. Gonna' brush up on my English............eliminate the aint's and y'alls and other un-postable verbage. We want to go to Gettysburg, PA. Would love to say that we really want to see the place, which we do, but there is an "RV Time Share" rip off company that will put you up for 2 nights/3 days hoping to sell you a campsite. So, going for the history and the freebies. I always was a bargain shopper. From there looking for a place that's cool, and cheap. We want to be in Maine, Vermont, NH, or one of those small little states no one really really knows much about for a couple of months.
To all my dear Yankee friends, you know I am just kidding. I love y'alls way up North; love your lobsters and blue crabs. And your clams. My mouth is watering...............
I guess I gotta run. Need to drag Elvis out for a walk. By the end of the day, he is just plum tuckered out. Guess I gotta lose that saying too? He is a real sport, but as long as he keeps us in sight he's just ok. His vet gave him some happy pills, but we haven't tried him on those yet. Soon, my little friend, soon.
Please, please post comments on this blog. Toni, if they are smart ass, Steve will edit and you will be severly disiplined (sp?) when we come back. But you will like it.
Kellie, please, please teach yo' mama to email me. She's a smart woman; she can do it! And please open these for Grandma and read them to her. It may be worth it to you someday...............don't hold your breath. Fingers crossed for your promotion!
Robin, please send more EA, even the old ones. Ok? Love them a lot.
Carolyn, call me or email me when you are going to Ware?
Catherine, let us know where you are, ok?
Everyone else, we love and miss you all. Take care and God Bless.
p.s. I hope this sends out well. It's my first one. Fingers crossed.