Well, our home inspection went off without a hitch yesterday. We have met the buyers and they are a great couple! She's pregnant and her due date is May 13th. Our original closing date was scheduled for 16 May, but now they want to move the date UP to May 9th!
Oh yeah, we're cool with that! We can close on May 9th!
Then all of a sudden, it hits me - we won't have a place to live after May 9th! Well, we'll have a RV, but where will I park the thing? Oh crap.
So we drag out the calendar and start trying to figure out what to do and WHERE to do whatever it is that we're going to do. (did that make sense?)
Ok, the dealer said we could park our RV in THEIR lot for a week or two if we needed to. And we do! We need to get our "toad" ready to tow which entails adding a transmission iol pump, and a tow bar assembly to the Sonata. the shop that does that is just about 1/2 miles away, so we will stay at Rivers RV for about 10 days until we get the tow car done, and then... and then... and then...????????
OH! How about staying at the Flamingo RV Park in Jacksonville for a week while I learn to DRIVE this monster thing and we try and figure out how to stock it with what we need?
So, we make reservations at http://flamingolake.com/ from 5-22 through 5-29-08. Cost - $250.00. $250???? For one week? THAT wasn't in our budget! Uh oh.
Come to find out that since it's Memorial weekend, there's no discounts for a week stay. We were told earlier that a 30 day stay was $600 which isn't bad for a park of this type, but I wasn't exception $250 for 7 days!
Lesson #1 - You don't get discounts during "holiday" weekends or "special events."
But wait - there's more! We pick and move into the RV on May 9th. we can stay in the dealers RV "park" for about a week. That takes us to May 16th. What are we going to do between May 16th and May 22nd until we get to Flamingo Lake? Crap. We need another place to go!
I joined www.passportamerica.com & www.campclubusa.com which are "discount" membership RV camping clubs that offer members 1/2 price off regular rates at certain RV Parks. Time to see if we can find a cheap place to stay!
Hmmmm - there's nothing IN Jacksonville that offers any discounts. ( I still wonder why that is.)
There IS a park in Saint George, GA which is fairly close - oops! That park is a "clothing optional resort!" HA! Do NOT want to go there!
There's a RV park in Cedar Ridge, GA that has 50 amp service ( There are 30 amp parks, but I need 50 apm hookups so I can run everything on my RV) that's only 50 miles from jacksonville and it only costs $10 a night (plus tax). Sweet! We'll stay there for a few days in between Rivers RV and Flamingo Lake. This give us some time to do some driving practice and practice setting up camp without being too far away.
It's settled then. We have places to stay the first 3 weeks.
Now all we have to do is figure out where to stay after that! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.