It's been 7 months since Kathy passed and went to the Rainbow Bridge. It's been terribly lonely without her. There is NO doubt that for weeks Kathy was hanging around the house! I could feel her presence. Banging noises on the walls, chill in the air in the middle of the night, and PHYSICAL contact when I was laying in bed. I was laying in bed on me back had my legs crossed one night and suddenly something slapped my foot and knocked it right off my other foot! It scared the crap out of me, but I just called out to Kathy, told her hoe much I miss her and how much I loved her - but she was scaring me to death! After that, things got calmer at night and I could finally get a decent night sleep. I swear - I'm telling the truth!
I try to remember to talk to her everyday to keep her posted of what life is "down here." It's a crazy mixed up world nowdays and she's not missing much! Justin and his family miss Kathy a lot too - but not as mch as I do. It's been 7 months and I still cry when I think of her. I still call out her name in the middle of the night when I think of her...