Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona Virus 3-28-2020 1,246 dead

Just about the entire country is now shut down.  In Cleveland, Helen and surrounding towns ALL restaurants are closed to "in dining" eating and are only providing take out service.   Toilet paper is still scarce, but I managed to score a 24 pack from Amazon this week.  Crazy that I'm excited about finding freaking toilet paper right?  Sigh.

CA and FL are in completed lock down.  The governor of CA has ordered people to stay in their houses.  Yeah, right.  Good luck CA!  hate that state and I was born and raised there.

All we have done in the last 14 days is go to the grocery store.  Sometimes they have what's on my list and sometimes they don't.  It's a crap shoot at best.

Here are the stats in the USA as of today:

  • Total cases: 85,356
  • Total deaths: 1,246
  • Jurisdictions reporting cases: 54 (50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands)
New York city is the worst ( go figure) with New Orleans a close second.  Apparently New Orleans is still having Mardi Gras and stupid people are attending.  Many people are infected.  So stupid.  Oh well - more air for me!

Monday, March 23, 2020

CoronaVirus 2020, 473 dead

Holy crap.  It's March 23, 2020 and the WORLD is on lock down due to a virus that was released in China a couple of months ago.  It gives people flu-like symptoms,  can be deadly to people with bad health issues OR just plain deadly to people over 60 years old.  Here are the latest stats:

California, Washington, New York and Ill. are all under "shelter in place" orders to try and stop the spread of this highly contagious virus.  No gun sales in CA.  No liquor sales in Illinois ... the list goes on and on.

We are lucky.  We're at our spot in GA and are about as "bugged out" as we can get.  Kathy and I have been sitting in our cabin for about 3 weeks now and except to trips to the grocery store for food, we don't go anywhere and we stay clear of our neighbors.  Something called "social distance."  That means stay at least 6 feet away from everyone.  

There is a shortage of toilet paper across the country.  I don't know why people decided that toilet paper was the thing to hoard, but is HAS happened.  I've been to the local grocery store 4 times in the lase 9 days, and there is NO TP available anywhere.  Luckily, I bought a couple of packs BEFORE the shortage just because they were on sale - but that was just dumb luck!  We have plenty of emergency food that I bought years ago, so I feel confident that we are OK... for now.  

There ARE some food shortages though.  Especially chicken.  I haven't seen any chicken at the store in 2 weeks.  Ground meat (hamburger) gets gobbled up when available.   I haven't been able to buy any in a week myself.  Guess I need to get to the store early!

Justin is freaking out.  He sells insurance and because of all this I'm pretty sure he's not making any sales.  He really hasn't told us one way or the other though.  Nicole is happy.  The virus gives her an excuse to sit at home and not have to worry about work.  

No one knows how long this will last or what kind of effect it will have on the economy ( the DOW stock market has gone from 30K to 19K in the last 2 weeks).  Hopefully the economy can bounce back.  We'll see.
Stay tuned...