Tuesday, December 1, 2020

More Covid Deaths (268K) and we have moved to TN.

 First - we moved to TN.  We got tired of living in a little cabin, the people (ambience) at PVC changed because of so many new tenants that we no longer were having any fun.  Especially being literally trapped at the cabin because of Covid.  So an opportunity presented itself to us on a cute 3/2 brand new home and we jumped on it.  Move in date was 11-11-2020.  Kathy loves being close to the grand kids and we both love having more than one choice for pizza, hamburgers, Mexican food, etc.  Back in a bigger city!

On the down side, the Covid continues to wreak havoc on the world. 

Several states continue lock down as winter moves in and people are really starting to freak out as MILLIONS of people lose unemployment benefits and banks start repossessing homes and businesses.  It sucks and I'm scared.  Nothing I can do about it though.

 President Trump lost the re-election to Bidden.  Can't wait to see how the next 4 years turn out as America starts it's slow journey towards socialism. We're screwed.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Going Backwards - 143,000 Dead

Covid 19 stats as of 7-20-2020

We're going backwards.  FL, NY, WA, TX have gone back into a "lock down" state.  NO eating INSIDE restaurants or bars.   The crazy NY & CA governors have made the wearing of face masks mandatory whenever you step out side.  Fuckin nuts.

I've put on 10 pounds since March and am a super fat ass now.  On the positive side, I HAVE managed to quit smoking for the last 4 weeks.  The smoking was literally taking my breath away from me so it was time, after 50 years of smoking, to quit.

Justin Howe and family bought and closed on a new home in Powell, TN.   Unfortunately 4 DAYS after they closed, Ashley got laid off from her "new" job and a place in Knoxville.  It's bee almost 3 weeks now and we still haven't heard any news if Ashley is employed.  I'm a little worried for them.  Kathy and I cannot afford to help them with any house payments now because our income has been drastically reduced over the last 2 years and we'd hate to see them loose their home in the 1st couple of months of living there.  

Anyway - everything is till fucked up.  We're still in a shelter-in-place in our cabin.  We've been to ONE restaurant in the last YEAR.   Cooking at home is getting boring now too.   

Now we wait.  Im my opinion, we haven't seen the worst of the effects of this pandemic.  

Monday, June 15, 2020

The World IS Going CRAZY! 117K Deaths as of June 15 2020

Total Covid-19 cases as of 6-15-2020:
Every state has "relaxed" the closures of restaurants and other businesses,  but people are NOT keeping a social distance as recommended ( 6 ft apart) and there seems to be a resurange of Covid cases.  We still don't feel comfortable being around a large group of people here where we are so we are avoiding the 4pm porch parties and group visits to Big Daddy's for Taco Night.

On top of THAT, Antifa and Black Lives Matter have been burning down downtown areas because of the death of a black man, George Floyd who was KILLED by a white cop after the cop had his knee on his neck for 8 1/2 minutes.  The cop is being charged with murder.   

Major cities are calling for the "defunding" of police departments across the country.  Antifa has taken control of downtown Minneapolis, calling it a country separate from the U.S.   Fkn CRAZY!

The world is coming to an end. 

Monday, May 18, 2020

5-18-2020 - 90,263 dead

Things are starting to get back together now.  Restaurants are allowed to serve inside with a 25% or so capacity.  A lot of places have set up outside tables to add extra seating.

But that's NOT the news!  People across the country are starting to protest, revolt - whatever you want to call it against the totalitarian control some governors have implementing in their states.  NY is still in lock down and the idiot governor of CA has stated that people HAVE to wear masks until there is a vaccine.  And that may take 1-2 years.  Even the lib tards in Hollywood are starting to turn against the local government!  HAHAHA.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5-5-2020 - 72,023 dead. Is this the end?

The date is 5/6/2020.  I'm beginning to think that America is pretty much screwed for the next few years.  Here in Georgia and other states, things started to open back up - on a limited basis.  Drive though fast food is available ( the lines are ALWAYS long now), some restaurants are trying to survive by offering take out service.  Delivery service in major cities are doing well, but is literally non-existent where we live because we're in the country.  Too far from everything. 

Restaurants that DO have dine in available ( only in a few sates as of this date - NOT in GA at the present time) can only operate at 25% capacity.   How in the hell can a business owner survive being only allowed to serve 25% of their normal customers?  They can't.  I don't see a good ending to any of this at all.

The stores finally have toilet paper on the shelves again, but now there are rumors of a coming beef and pork shortage because several major meat processing plant have closed because of infected workers.   It's crazy!

We had to take our dog, MuMu to the vet yesterday as she had what appeared to be a "hot spot" but it wouldn't go away after 2 weeks of medication.  The process was to drive to the vet, park in the lot, call the office and someone from inside would come out to your car, take the dog in to see the Vet, and bring her back out when done with the exam. 

Kathy waiting in the car at the vet
Want to fly somewhere?  Your going to have to wear a mask the entire flight.  Oh yeah - no one sits in the middle seat either so your ticket is going to cost a little more to make up for the vacant seat.  Close to $100 more.  Each way.

Chicago, Dallas, NYC ALL are arresting people for opening their business early... without government approval.   Mayors think they're dictators.  FK.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronavirus 4-22-2020 45,373 dead

People are still getting sick, but it seems to be slowing down in most of the states.  Georgia, and a few other states are going to relax some of the "shelter in place" requirements this coming Friday, 4-24-2020.  Not sure which businesses will be open, or how many restaurants will open at this time.  We'll have to wait and see.

In the meantime, we are REALLY getting cabin sickness!  Nothing to do, nowhere to go.  The campground is empty of the normal season visiters.

Here are the latest stats:

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Corona Virus 4-16-2020 28,579 dead

The president is now talking about slowly letting businesses re-open across the country starting on May 1, 2020.  Ultimate decision is up to the governor of each state though.  Kathy has only been out of the park once in 5 weeks and we are both getting a little stir crazy I think!  This sucks!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Coronavirus-19 4-8-2020 12,905 dead.

The entire country has been shut down.  Literally.  Governors from most states have issued a "shelter in place" order which means you can only leave your home for food, medical reasons or if you are still working. 

EVERY sit-down restaurant in the country is closed.  One can only get take out orders if the place is still open.  The lines at fast food places are long, lines at banks are long, etc.  It's a mess.

There are MILLIONS of people out of work, especially the food service industry.  Central Park in NYC has emergency medical tents set up in it, Navy air craft carrier, the USS Roosevelt,  has infected sailors on board.  No one knows when this will end.

Most people are afraid of the economic impact this will have not only in the USA, but globally. 

Here are the latest stats:

Kathy & I are safe and sound in our little cabin.  We have emergency food which we haven't had to need for as of yet, we have income ( pension and SSN checks) .  Kathy hasn't left the cabin in 4 weeks as there's no need for BOTH of us to expose ourselves to a possible infection.  I am the one who goes and gets the groceries and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona Virus 3-28-2020 1,246 dead

Just about the entire country is now shut down.  In Cleveland, Helen and surrounding towns ALL restaurants are closed to "in dining" eating and are only providing take out service.   Toilet paper is still scarce, but I managed to score a 24 pack from Amazon this week.  Crazy that I'm excited about finding freaking toilet paper right?  Sigh.

CA and FL are in completed lock down.  The governor of CA has ordered people to stay in their houses.  Yeah, right.  Good luck CA!  hate that state and I was born and raised there.

All we have done in the last 14 days is go to the grocery store.  Sometimes they have what's on my list and sometimes they don't.  It's a crap shoot at best.

Here are the stats in the USA as of today:

  • Total cases: 85,356
  • Total deaths: 1,246
  • Jurisdictions reporting cases: 54 (50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands)
New York city is the worst ( go figure) with New Orleans a close second.  Apparently New Orleans is still having Mardi Gras and stupid people are attending.  Many people are infected.  So stupid.  Oh well - more air for me!

Monday, March 23, 2020

CoronaVirus 2020, 473 dead

Holy crap.  It's March 23, 2020 and the WORLD is on lock down due to a virus that was released in China a couple of months ago.  It gives people flu-like symptoms,  can be deadly to people with bad health issues OR just plain deadly to people over 60 years old.  Here are the latest stats:

California, Washington, New York and Ill. are all under "shelter in place" orders to try and stop the spread of this highly contagious virus.  No gun sales in CA.  No liquor sales in Illinois ... the list goes on and on.

We are lucky.  We're at our spot in GA and are about as "bugged out" as we can get.  Kathy and I have been sitting in our cabin for about 3 weeks now and except to trips to the grocery store for food, we don't go anywhere and we stay clear of our neighbors.  Something called "social distance."  That means stay at least 6 feet away from everyone.  

There is a shortage of toilet paper across the country.  I don't know why people decided that toilet paper was the thing to hoard, but is HAS happened.  I've been to the local grocery store 4 times in the lase 9 days, and there is NO TP available anywhere.  Luckily, I bought a couple of packs BEFORE the shortage just because they were on sale - but that was just dumb luck!  We have plenty of emergency food that I bought years ago, so I feel confident that we are OK... for now.  

There ARE some food shortages though.  Especially chicken.  I haven't seen any chicken at the store in 2 weeks.  Ground meat (hamburger) gets gobbled up when available.   I haven't been able to buy any in a week myself.  Guess I need to get to the store early!

Justin is freaking out.  He sells insurance and because of all this I'm pretty sure he's not making any sales.  He really hasn't told us one way or the other though.  Nicole is happy.  The virus gives her an excuse to sit at home and not have to worry about work.  

No one knows how long this will last or what kind of effect it will have on the economy ( the DOW stock market has gone from 30K to 19K in the last 2 weeks).  Hopefully the economy can bounce back.  We'll see.
Stay tuned...

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Snow Day at PVC - 2-8-2020

So here we are in Savannah, GA enjoying a 9 day "escape" to give ourselves a break.  Before I left I checked to 10 day forecast and it said it wasn't going to get below 37 degrees.  TWO days later, the temp drops to 25 and it's freaking snowing at PVC.  WTF?  We missed it!

Our place is the farthest back behind the big cabin.

The bridge to side two

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Winter at PVC & New Roof

Today is 1-18-2020 and we're getting ready for what is to us - cold weather!  Tomorrow it's supposed to get down to 19 degrees, and then it warms up to 40 or so and that's the forecast for the next few days.  Winter is coming!

We're using oil filled radiator type heaters in our cabin and in our trailer and so far everything keeps us nice and toasty.  If it got much cooler, I'd have to plug in some Lasko heaters.

Lasko heater
Oil filled heater
In addition to keeping warm we had to put a "roof cap"  on the trailer that cost us a few $1,000.  The existing rubber roof on the place finally started leaking BAD after 20 years and I couldn't get the leak stopped.  A roof cap is where you lay down 1/2" foam, then 3/8" plywood over the foam and THEN cover all that with aluminum sheet metal.  Works really well and now we can sleep knowing that there are no more leaks!  
Here's what the new roof looks like:
Slick huh?