Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back in Jacksonville...

Well, we made it! We drove 2,800 miles in 7 days. Kathy's Mom gets out of the hospital tomorrow and we will be here in Jacksonville until Sept.12th when we have to head for Alabama to get some body work done and a few other "after market" mods done to make our RV more livable for us.

Thanks to ALL our friends and family for their concern about Pat! she's doing well and is under Kathy her sister's  care for the next couple of months.

Did I mention that it's HOT in FL this time of year?? We forgot!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thanks Everyone!

Mom is doing well and as I write this, she's resting comfortably in her hospital room, watching her favorite show.

Steve and I would like to thank everyone of you who called, emailed, etc. to check on her. We have some great friends and family.

We made it to Wyoming today and should be home in about 4 or 5 days, and I think my mom will be in the hospital for a few more days.

My sister and niece Kellie are awesome!! Thanks you are the best.


Heading to Florida

I just wanted to let everyone know that Steve and I are headed back to Jacksonville starting this afternoon. My mom is in the hospital having surgery and I need to be with her. I hope everything will be ok and I will keep you informed.

We are going to take care of mom, and then regroup later on.

Take care all,

Kathy & Steve

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Illegal Gas Pumping...

Did you know that's it's illegal to pump your own gas in the state of Oregon?? Some gas station guy threatened to call the police on me when I got out and filled my own tank. Zeez Louise!!!