Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Time Heals All Wounds?

 Time heals all wounds.  That's what they say right?  It's been 2 years today that my wife passed.  

I'm still struggling.  I miss her company, her anger ( family called her "The angry Hungarian) which only lasted for a minute or two then she was back to normal. :)  In the 23 years we were together we NEVER went to bed angry with one another.  If we had an argument (never an actual fight) we kissed and made up quickly.  Hey, my ex-wife would not even talk to me for days.  Kathy was such a easy person to be married to. Mostly.

I still miss you baby!  Always will.

And I still love you.  Always will.


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

It's Been a Year and I Still Miss You!

On the 25th of this month it will have been a year since I lost you to cancer.  
  • I still tear up when I think of you.
  • I still occasionally reach for you when I'm in bed.
  • I will always miss you!
  • I still talk to you when I feel the need to.
  • I still hate doing laundry.
  • I still don't like to go to the grocery store.
  • It's VERY hard for me to have the grand kids spend the night on an occasional weekend.  I just can't keep up.  I'm sorry for that Kathy. I know all you wanted in our life here in TN was to watch your grand kids grow up.  You never got the chance.  
I still love you my little "angry Hungarian." 

See you soon!  Your husband, Steve.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

I Miss You So Much!

 It's been 7 months since Kathy passed and went to the Rainbow Bridge. It's been terribly lonely without her.   There is NO doubt that for weeks Kathy was hanging around the house!  I could feel her presence. Banging noises on the walls, chill in the air in the middle of the night, and PHYSICAL contact when I was laying in bed.  I was laying in bed on me back had my legs crossed one night and suddenly something slapped my foot and knocked it right off my other foot!  It scared the crap out of me, but I just called out to Kathy, told her hoe much I miss her and how much I loved her - but she was scaring me to death!  After that, things got calmer at night and I could finally get a decent night sleep.  I swear - I'm telling the truth!

I try to remember to talk to her everyday to keep her posted of what life is "down here."  It's a crazy mixed up world nowdays and she's not missing much!  Justin and his family miss Kathy a lot too - but not as mch as I do.  It's been 7 months and I still cry when I think of her.  I still call out her name in the middle of the night when I think of her...

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

My Wife, Kathy Burnett Has Passed Away 2-25-2023

 The worst thing in my life happened on 2-25-2023.  My friend and my wife of 23 years dies in her sleep after a 5 month long battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.. I fkn hate cancer.  One week Kathy's walking the neighborhood for an hour and the next she getting a blood sample because her arms & legs were getting spots on them kind of like small bruises.  Kathy thinks it's hives and I think it's something else so we get a quick blood sample at a close by Urgent Care office.

It's Leukemia the doctors say. So I put her in my car and rushed her to our local hospital.  More blood samples confirm the 1st test and the local hospital doesn't treatment for Leukemia. We find a "bed" for Kathy's treatment and rush from Knoxville to the Sarah Cannon Center in Nashville, TN because it was the only place that could treat her immediately.

Ten days later and after aggressive chemo treatment Kathy had to be put on a ventilator because the chemo almost killer her. After 4 weeks in the hospital they sent us home to Knoxville because "there was nothing more they could do."

My wife was terminal.  We  got 4 more months of her which is in itself a miracle because they gave her 2 days - to 2 weeks when we left Nashville.  Watching your loved one die slowly die is absolute misery.  In our case, the treatment was worse than the "cure."  

I love you and miss you my darling!


Kathy having one of her few good days

Kathy with Mumu & Maddie before cancer.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

RIP Mumu 5-17-2022

 Our beloved pet, Mumu has passed and is waiting for us at the rainbow bridge.  We adopted her 10 yeaars ago and we believe she was about 13 years old.  I miss her everyday.  She was one of the smartest  dogs I've ever owned.  She would never run away from us, she seemed to know exactly where our property lines were at our cabin in GA and in our new home in TN. Heck - we didn't even have to put up a fence!  She would sit outside with, get a little sun bathing in and look over the houses below us.  When she needed to potty we could just let her out and she always came right back into the house.  We loved you Mumu!  You are terribly missed.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Inflation Is Killing US!

 Since Biden took over there has been a 30% inflation of food, services, etc.  Food shortages are getting worse.  Every time we go to the store we come hone with 5-6 items still on our grocery list because it wasn't available.  Cream cheese, some cheeses, Fritos, chicken wings, etc.  Steak is $20 a lb now, chicken wings cost a fortune.


When Will It Stop?

 1-24-2022.  The world is still wearing masks.  People are still dying,  but NOT so much from COVID-19 but from a 3rd variant named omnicom.  I has flu like symptoms, lasts only a few days with a low grade fever.  It IS however a Covid virus.

I'm getting so sick of all this crap... and so is the rest of the country.  CA, WA, NY residents still have to wear masks!  TN residents do not HAVE to wear masks, but some people still do.  We have so afr been able to stay healthy, but everyone around us has caught omnicom, including family.  Haven't seen grand kids or kids for 3 weeks.

Monday, May 10, 2021

The Sky Is Falling

 Date: May 5, 2021.

Condition of America: Terminal

Reason: The Democratic/Socialist party of America.

Illegal immigrates flock across our borders, Biden orders ALL of them released WITHOUT TESTING FOR THE COVID VIRUS.  ALL OF THEM ON WELFARE. 

Restaurants unable to open because they can't find workers to fill positions!  Unemployment benefits are $750 a WEEK.  Who wants to work and earn LESS than being on unemployment?

Lumber costs up 300% adding an additional cost of $32,000 to the average sized home across the country.

Gasoline costs about $1.00 more per gallon than last year at this time.

Inflation warnings being announced for everywhere.  Stock up on toilet paper again?

People testing positive for Covid even AFTER getting the so called "magic" vaccine.  WTF??

We decided NOT to get vaccinated.  Too many unknowns.

This country is going to hell in a hand bag as my Daddy used to say.  Sigh.